Your mountain is waiting




Happy Monday mamas!

Did you enjoy this beautiful weekend?  The weather here in NorCal was ah-mazing.  Seriously awesome.  We had a ton of family time and spent most of it outdoors with picnics and bike rides.  So fun.  I hope you were able to enjoy the weather too.

Don’t you just love Dr. Suess?  I feel like there are so many quotes that are completely applicable for adults in all of his books.  So…what is your mountain this week?  For my daughter, it’s her performance (this coming Thursday) in the school talent show.  She just realized how many people will be in the audience listening to her perform “Let it go” from Frozen.  I am so nervous for her.  I cannot believe she is going to do it, but I’m so proud of her for her bravery.  She inspires me.

What’s your mountain?  Saving money, a difficult conversation with a friend or family member, losing that little bit of extra weight, marital issues, your child’s behavior issues, or getting that promotion at work?  Whatever it is, start climbing that mountain today.  You don’t need to do it all in one day.  Take it little by little and ask for help.  Asking for help can make the journey more fun and you can always learn something from the people around you.  Talking about your struggles and asking friends or family for help or advice is cathartic for both parties.  It usually leads to someone telling you they had gone through (or are going through) the same thing.  I’m not saying you need to run around town airing dirty laundry or spreading negative thoughts.  I am saying that you will be surprised at how a problem you have been dealing with privately, that you thought may have been just something specific to you, is actually a pretty normal issue that most people deal with.  Being honest with the people close to you can really help.  So, go climb that mountain.  Tell your confidantes (in person) about your mountain.  You never know…maybe they had to climb it just a few months ago.  Let’s learn from each other and let’s raise each other up.